Acne Treatment
Acne is one of the most psychologically distressing conditions. It affects both teenage groups as well as adults over 30 years as per the best acne specialist doctors in Delhi. Men and women are equally affected by this condition. Affected individuals may be self-conscious and socially isolated. If one is looking for acne treatment, they can consider meeting Dr. Isha Anand, at Dr. Anand Skin Hair Transplant Clinic.
Acne is multifactorial in origin. The causes of acne as explained by the best dermatologist for Acne in Delhi, include:
Genetics: One is more likely to get acne if one of their parents was affected by it. Genes do have a role to play in acne as the number, size, and activity of acne glands are inherited.
Oily Skin: Acne is controlled by oil and sebum production on the face. The sebum production dramatically increases after puberty contributing to acne flare-ups seen in teenagers.
Bacterial Infection: A bacteria named Propionibacterium acnes is present in the oil glands. It releases certain enzymes which lead to the formation of whiteheads, blackheads, and active acne.
Hormonal Influences: Women with POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) are more affected by acne due to the increased levels of male hormones.
Factors Of Acne
A lot of factors can increase or aggravate acne, some of which include –
- Diet: Consuming foods which have a high glycemic index including sweets, milk and dairy products, fizzy carbonated drinks and junk food can increase acne.
- Makeup and cosmetics: Excessive use of oil-based cosmetics can increase the chances of getting acne.
- Hair oil and pomades’
- Stress and emotional disturbances
- Use of certain bodybuilding supplements like anabolic steroids
Grades Of Acne
Acne is graded from one to four.
- Grade 1 Corresponding to comedones only
- Grade 2 Includes mainly papules and few pustules
- Grade 3 Includes mainly pustules and few nodules
- Grade 4 Includes nodulocystic acne
Acne Treatments At Dr. Anand Skin Hair Transplant Clinic
We believe in a holistic approach to treat acne vulgaris. Our doctors do a thorough examination and detailed history taking with stress on aggravating factors, diet control, and hormonal evaluation.
We customize our acne treatments according to the grade, severity, and age of the patient. For our younger patients, we have specialized acne peels which are very mild. It includes a gentle cleansing followed by a light peel application. For mild acne as well as patients who do not want to take oral medicines, our doctors prescribe a variety of topical creams and gels as well as few nutritional supplements. For higher grades and severity of acne, we use systemic antibiotics as well as oral retinoids to settle the inflammation and infection faster.
We aim to reduce the lesion count as fast as possible to avoid unsightly scars and red marks later. We also perform adult acne peels which give mild exfoliation along with whiteheads and blackheads extraction. Carbon Peel/ Hollywood peel is a new treatment for active acne as well as open pores and red marks. In this procedure, a carbon paste is applied on the face and is left on for 15 minutes, to let it settle in the deep pores.
This is followed by a laser treatment which sucks away the impurities, dead cells and bacteria. In the end, a collagen mask is applied. This results in a visibly smoother, firmer and blemishes free skin.
So, if someone is suffering from acne and looking for suitable acne treatment in Delhi, they can visit us at Dr Anand Skin Clinic, Nangoli – a one-stop solution for active acne as well as scars and marks.
After Treatment Results

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Frequently Asked Questions
Acne is caused when the sebaceous gland produces excess oil, and this oil mixes with dirt, dead skin cells, pollutants, and bacteria resulting in clogged pores. Many other factors that cause acne are:
- Genetics
- Lack of hygiene.
- Stress.
- Lifestyle factors.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Poor diet.
Acne commonly appears on the face and when it occurs in other body parts like the chest, back, legs, arms, and shoulders, or any other body part, it is called body acne. Tight clothing, using poor skincare products, constant rubbing of the skin, wearing dirty clothes, not taking proper baths (lack of body hygiene), poor clothes fabrics, can cause body acne. If suffering from body acne, one must immediately consult the Best dermatologist for Acne in Delhi to find quick relief.
Many women experience acne during pregnancy, says Dr. Anad, the best acne specialist doctor in Delhi. This type of acne is temporary and occurs due to hormonal changes. In some individuals, the skin will return to normal after delivery and in some, the decline in estrogen level after childbirth makes acne can last longer (it will diminish once the level of the hormone is balanced again). But if acne is deep and severe like cystic acne, one must take help from an acne specialist doctor.
The link between acne and diet is always controversial and in many cases, food can cause acne. Food items like more refined carbohydrates, dairy products, fast food, and foods with high-glycemic-index can cause acne.
Costs can vary from person to person as there are different types and triggers of acne. Holistic acne treatment is provided at Derma Roots Essence where the focus is to first find out the root cause of acne and then treat the condition accordingly. Apart from the causes mentioned above, acne breakouts can also be triggered by a wrong skincare routine. Hence, depending on the severity of the condition and possible causes the cost of acne treatment in Delhi can vary for individuals.